Today in History: St. Patrick’s Day

Today in History: St. Patrick’s Day

Today in History–March 17–the Library of Congress features St. Patrick’s Day. This Irish and Irish-American holiday commemorates the death of the patron saint of Ireland who, as legend has it, died on this date circa 492. The holiday has been celebrated in the United States since the 18th century. Across the country today, many people celebrate with parades and…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Irishmen – Avenge the Lusitania

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Irishmen – Avenge the Lusitania

Use image and textual details to describe the purpose of this poster. Use the Primary Source Nexus search box to find out about the sinking of the Lusitania. What did you find out? What surprised you the most or had the biggest impact on you? The audience for this poster was the Irish—Irish men, in…

Primary Source Learning: Gilded Age Teaching Resources & Strategies

Primary Source Learning: Gilded Age Teaching Resources & Strategies

This morning I saw a tweet mentioning primary sources related to immigration in the Gilded Age and I began to wonder . . . What learning activities related to the Gilded Age could we imagine using Library of Congress primary sources? What other teaching resources and strategies are available on and elsewhere? See the results…