Primary Source Spotlight: Disease

Primary Source Spotlight: Disease

Select primary sources Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health photograph Anti-malaria educational play put on by youngsters dealing with the treatment of the disease photograph Ayer’s sarsaparilla, for all blood diseases, cures others, will cure you Cheap lodging-houses as nests of disease…

Primary Source Learning: Oral Histories & Personal Narratives

Primary Source Learning: Oral Histories & Personal Narratives contains numerous oral history and personal narrative resources. Check out the lists below! Teaching resources Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Oral Histories Learning from the Source: Chicago Meatpackers & the Unions Learning from the Source: Digital Stories of Our Heroes Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives Primary Source Learning: September 11,…

Primary Source Learning: Immigration Primary Source Set

Primary Source Learning: Immigration Primary Source Set

Have students use the primary sources in this set to tell a story about immigration to the United States. (For background information, review the following: Immigration to the United States, 1851-1900 and Immigrants in the Progressive Era). The story may be in digital or print form. It could be nonfiction, fiction, poetry, or even a song. These questions about…