Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History–August 28–the Library of Congress features the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, held on this day in 1963. Around a quarter million people participated in this non-violent demonstration for civil rights seeking, among other things, equal access to public accommodations, decent housing, adequate and integrated education, the right to vote, and…

Today in History: Leontyne Price

Today in History: Leontyne Price

Today in History–February 10–the Library of Congress features singer Leontyne Price, born on this date in 1927. This opera star earned 20 Grammy awards and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Learn more about Price by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access primary sources about opera from across the Library. Leontyne Price Born from America’s Library Leontyne Price image set…